Our Ministry
Ghana Harvest touches the lives of the local people in many ways. From meeting immediate needs such as clean drinking water, to providing quality education, to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, ministry is happening around every corner. Led by Pastor Salifu, teams translate, education, plan and minister on a daily basis.

Translation & Literacy
Translation of Scripture into the local language of Kusaal is the most important tool for ministry to the Non-Christian. Pastor Salifu has helped translate the Old Testament and Luther’s Small Catechism. Additionally, the New Testament, A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories, and the Lutheran Service Book have been translated, The Augsburg Confession is in progress, and Pastor Salifu has published several books in Kusaal discussing social issues such as family planning, tree planting, environmental hygiene and a prayer book.
While the translations are a wonderful tool, with low levels of literacy they cannot be widely read. Thus, Ghana Harvest supports Pastor Salifu in his literacy classes for both school children and adults - making the Word of God accessible to hundreds of God’s children.
Teaching & Baptizing
The great commission given by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is plain and to the point: teach and baptize. That is precisely what is being accomplished in Upper East Ghana under the leadership of Pastor Nicholas Salifu.
Pastor Salifu Visitis up to three congregations each Sunday, where trained leaders are conducting worship and Bible study. Pre-baptism classes prepare new members for the gift of baptism, and twice-yearly conventions bring the many local congregations together for worship, education, and fellowship.
All week long, children are immersed in Scripture through their education at four Christian day schools. Due to inadequate funding, the government had to take over the schools, but the love of Jesus is still shared there each and every day.
Leadership Training
With only one ordained pastor serving the Kusai area, the need for trained leaders cannot be emphasized too greatly. Leadership classes train potential leaders and support existing ones. Through the courses, men are equipped to lead worship, conduct Bible studies, learn doctrine and Bible stories, preaching, and Christian leadership. Without these faithful men, this ministry could not continue.
Pastor Salifu conducts the training and provides all of the necessary materials. With attendance around 20 people, he hopes to have solid leaders available to take over a new church when it begins. These committed believers may travel up to 20 miles, leaving their farming work, to serve God’s people.
Evangalism & Church Planting
Before teaching and baptizing can begin, a personal connection must be made to the unbeliever. In Ghana, this typically is in the form of one who worships nature or a member of the Muslim religion. As a former Muslim himself, Pastor Salifu knows well what it takes to explain the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him. Organized evangelism outreach is part of every church, with training and monthly outreach. Through this, many more people have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Sanitary Wells
Many areas in Ghana lack clean drinking water, resulting in disease and death. Lining and covering wells is a lengthy process that can cost between $500 and $1,500. The ministry of Ghana Harvest helps to fund the improvement of existing wells, bringing clean drinking water, safety, and improved health to the communities we serve.
Construction & Projects
The largest need for funding is the building for congregational services, meetings, gatherings, etc. With many of these being built of mud, time and weather have caused walls to collapse. Replacing these structures with ones made of cement block is a time-consuming process involving the whole community. Progress halts when money runs out, leaving a community to wait hopefully for the funding needed to add a roof or purchase adequate amounts of cement.
Christian Schools
One of the extraordinary success stories is the growth of the Concordia Preparatory School (CPS). Since it’s start in 2012, one or two classes have been added each year. The school had its first graduating class in 2022. Graduates placed well in the National Academic Competition, which speaks highly of the teachers, school families and of the students themselves.
Over the years, Pastor Salifu has started schools in Bawku, Ziako, Zuuku, Baakanga, and Bugzunde, with the goal of providing a religious education to all. However, the cost of providing teachers, meals and other expenses, is prohibitive. Without adequate funding, schools are turned over to be run by the government. Supporters of Ghana Harvest help maintain an option for quality Christian education to the children of Ghana.
When a new church is established, there are many needs! A location, building, basic furniture, an altar, vestments, communion ware, etc. When complete, the members have a house of worship and a place for official acts such as baptisms, weddings, confirmations, and celebrations of church holidays.
Ghana Harvest provides funding while the members contribute volunteer labor and talents to do the vast majority of construction of these churches.

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